








自成立初期,泰比(ABBYY)一直保持最高的专业和教育员工的水平。该公司的人事政策的目的是提供舒适的工作环境,以促进专业发展和开发人的潜力。为了实现高质量的软件开发,泰比(ABBYY)对R&D部门的员工创造了一个专有的教育和认证体系。营销和管理人员也被鼓励参加各种培训,来提高自己的专业水平。 泰比(ABBYY)投入了很多精力来创造一个特殊的和友好的气氛,帮助我们的员工表达他们个人的创造力和天分,但工作起来却是一个整体。每一个泰比(ABBYY)团队成员都在公司的生活是有所不同的,同时为我们产品的质量作出了自己的贡献。


03A Numbers Trusted



03B Numbers Partners

我们公司的名字 - 泰比(ABBYY) - 可理解为敏锐的眼光。这个词来自于假设(重建)的母语苗瑶,怒,苗瑶,苗族和金文中的群体藏语系。这个名称和它的意义(敏锐),反映了公司的活动和研究的重点领域:文档识别和语言技术。


03C Numbers Patents



04A History 1989 Lingvo

1989: It started with linguistics


All great companies are founded by solving an obvious problem. For David Yang, our founder, it was the challenge of learning a new language while at university. Convinced that many other college students, and most people in general, would benefit from an electronic language translation dictionary, David founded the linguistic company BIT Software in 1989, which he later renamed to ABBYY. Our first product – an electronic dictionary – was named Lingvo.

04B History 1993 Finereader

1993: We moved into OCR


Bringing value to people is the cornerstone of everything we do at ABBYY. After achieving consumer success with Lingvo, David Yang saw a greater need: people were spending a tremendous amount of time translating masses of documents. David was inspired to create a program that automated the entire document translation cycle: scan documents, recognize them, and translate them into a different language. This is when FineReader, an optical character recognition (OCR) application, was born. It now has more than 100 million users worldwide. Leading technology companies, document capture vendors, and scanner and MFP manufacturers use ABBYY OCR technologies in their products to accurately digitize documents. These include Siemens, Fujitsu, Epson, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, RICOH, Xerox, and many others.

04C History 1996 Organizations

1996: Evolved into Intelligent Document Processing for organizations


Digitization was only the first step to meeting a more complex enterprise challenge. We enhanced our technology to be capable of searching and retrieving fields from documents, which became the future technological foundation of our Content Intelligence solutions. Innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit are at the heart of ABBYY. And over the years, we evolved to meet new and emerging content-centric challenges. Our AI technology advanced from consumer OCR products to enterprise-grade solutions. We set the bar for accurately digitizing documents and Intelligent Document Processing that leverages machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to understand, learn, and reason to augment human intelligence.

04D History 2007 Waiting

1999: Major international offices opened


ABBYY opened ABBYY USA in Silicon Valley, California, followed by founding ABBYY Europe in Munich, Germany, in 2000. Emerging markets of Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East became increasingly important, so in 2010, ABBYY opened regional offices to support the different regions. In 2011, ABBYY Australia was opened, then Japan in 2014, and in 2020, ABBYY expanded with a Singapore office. Other regional offices were opened in UK, France, Spain, Russia, Cyprus, Ukraine, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Hungary. 

04E History 2019 Timeline

2019: The beginning of our Process Intelligence path


Knowing that companies still struggled to know how their documents are interacting with critical business processes, we ventured to find the best way to identify, monitor, and predict process workflows within any automation platform. We acquired Timeline process mining and discovery capabilities that enable us to help customers overcome their people, process, and content challenges with our portfolio of Digital Intelligence solutions.

04F History Today Reimagine

Today: Reimagining how artificial and human intelligence converge


We will always continue to empower humans and businesses with intelligence to achieve sustainable success.

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